#22DF Local Offwhite Merino/Targhee Carded Sliver


Fiber: Merino, Targhee, and grey local wool
Source: New England/New York, USA
Micron/Spin Count: est. 21.5 mic / 64s
Staple: 1.5 – 3.5 inch
Color: Off white

Bag: Free shipping for 10-13 lbs bag!

Bump: Free shipping AND discount to $12.50/lb for two 10-13 lb bags!

We added a touch of grey wool to our lot of New England Targhee and New York State Merino and the result is a gorgeous off-white sliver. Hints of grey and brown show up when spun. Should take dye, spin and felt nicely!

Domestic carded sliver products may have some VM, which varies by lot. To avoid VM, we recommend our Wool Top products.


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