#22DD Off-white Shearer’s Choice Cheviot Carded Sliver
$10.75 $9.75
Fiber: Cheviot wool
Source: Pennsylvania, USA
Micron/Spin Count: 29.5 mic / 54s
Staple: 2-4 inches
Color: Off-White/ultra light grey
Bag: Free shipping for 10-13 lbs bag!
Bump: Free shipping AND discount to $9.75/lb for two 10-13 lb bags! JANUARY SALE $9/lb
We call this “Shearer’s Choice” because the idea for this line came from dealing with a local shearer who has been selling us wool for years. Cheviot wool is lofty, springy, spongey, popular for felting and spinning alive If you want a lot of texture in a needle or fabric felt product this might be worth playing with as well. Previous versions of this product included Dorset and Polypay as well, which have similar properties, tho we’re finding the Cheviot even nicer than previous versions. The amount of grey can vary by bag, so repeat customers may find some variation is shade.