Wool sale Phase #1… Actually it’s a 13 theme sale. More later!


You like us are checking out our snazzy hopefully easier to use and order more wool web site. Those of you who follow us on Social Media know we just reached 1300 fans and that means a sale.

Here goes the $13 sale. From Thanksgiving until Wednesday the 30th we have three select items on sale from their regular price to $13/lb.

Our new C21DH Dehaired Churro is on sale for $13/lb. C’mon try a pound, you’ll like it!

We have a big stock of new dyed black 29.5 micron, so #723 Black Opal 29.5 micron Top is on sale for $13/lb…

Against our better judgement since the Philadelphia warehouse won’t have any until next week and the Boston warehouse is closed for the weekend, but heck we bet you’ll all wait a few days anyway for this deal. #48 Australian Merino wool top is on sale for $13/lb too! Wow!

So that’s it for now!

Just to remind you three more sales on the horizon and two will be short and sweet.  Saturday and Monday we’ll put a few select items on super sale. (We actually have given a $20 discount on orders all day so check out our next post)

The third sale? We will celebrate our new site along with OLD ways we sold wool before the wonder of the internet. If you’ve been a long time customer and you tend to hoard things like price lists and wool catalogs this sale may be the best possible sale for you. Everyone else will have a shot too.

Also you should check us out at @rhlwool on Instagram as we’re going to be giving away coupon codes and discounts in the upcoming weeks.

So Happy Thanksgiving and we hope we hear from plenty of you over the Holiday weekend.