Hey! It’s Easter weekend and more importantly it is also April 1st or April Fool’s Day to many of us. We have a couple of products we’re rolling out with this announcement and they’ll be on sale for a week pivoted around that fine April date.
We’re introducing what we call our Shearer’s Choice Whiteface Dorset-Poly Pay Scoured Fleece for a sale intro price of $4.50/lb (before going to our standard lowest price of $5/lb after the sale). It’s a short but springy local white face wool. The spring is from the Dorset element (same breed introduced to Romney to make the Perendale) and it is one of the most unique features of wool grown in the eastern half of the United States commonly referred to as the Fleece States.
One problem with Fleece State wool is that it is wicked hard to get it absolutely white. Why is this? Well much of the live stock is housed regularly in barns instead of being left outside to fend on their own no matter what the weather. This exposes the animals to more stain inducing mud and manure and the nature of the clay and soil finds a way to stain the wool permanently. This though is pretty white, although we didn’t deep skirt all the fleeces so we may find a strip of vegetable now and again (which we’ll be sure to keep out of small orders altogether if possible).
Anyway, for wool grown and handled in the east it’s pretty cool and we’re happy with it. We’re making a sliver which we think will be pretty cool too so stay tuned for that coming in May.
The other item we’re introducing is a N91-N Medium Domestic Noil. This item has a long history with R.H. Lindsay and out of nostalgia the boss rashly bought a bale that has been banging around the warehouse waiting for us to get it on line. Well we shipped out a ton of wool last week to get carded and that’s when the boss got it together to get it up on our site. We’re putting that on sale for $4/lb and $120 for 30 pound box as well. If you want a bale we’ve marked it down to $3/lb delivered for our initial sale.
The Noil is very short and has a steady streak of vegetable matter in it. We’ve sold it for stuffing and interior fill and linings where the vegetable isn’t a problem. Industrially it is used in the woolen system to help put on a nap or plush surface to the fabric. Finer is better though and this item can often pile up and linger.
What else? Well it’s April Fools week and we have a pile of Colored and White Romney Fleeces so keep an eye out here for some of them to be put up and offered at ridiculous prices perhaps. You can bet on a crazy coupon offer or two. So stay tuned to R.H. Lindsay Company either here on the site or in our various Social Media outlets. So whatever spring holiday you may celebrate, enjoy and have a good one!
Pssst… #noaprilfooling5 (for $50+ orders), #noaprilfooling10 (for $100+ orders) and #noaprilfooling25 (for $500+ orders) Those are three coupon codes that will be good for the entire month of April (and they should be good now if you’re reading this in March).